Ecommerce sales are bursting through the roof. In fact, sales in online retail stores have been predicted to rise to 6.17 trillion by 2023. About 22.3% of this income boost will come from e-commerce.
This means that more people will be landing on your Shopify Plus store. But if these shoppers aren’t convinced to buy a product, you’ll lose them to your competitors.
The process of convincing a visitor in your store to make a purchase is Conversion. Conversion Rate Optimization is how you increase these conversions. Today, you’ll learn how to improve the conversion rate in your Shopify store to generate more sales.
What is a Good Shopify Store Conversation Rate?
Before you learn how to improve the conversion rate in your store, you should know what your conversation rate is. This will help you determine whether to apply simple optimization methods or advanced strategies.
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Za več nasvetov in trikov ter podroben pregled najbolj priljubljenih video slotov si preberite poročali, ki vam bodo pomagali postati uspešen igralec na video slotih.
Video sloti so zanimiva in zabavna igra, ki ponuja možnost osvajanja velikih dobitkov. Da bi izkoristili svoje možnosti za zmago, je pomembno, da izberete pravi video slot, izkoristite bonuse in promocije ter uporabite ustrezno strategijo. S pravilnim pristopom in nekaj sreče lahko dosežete velike dobitke na video slotih. Vendar pa je pomembno, da se zavedate, da igra temelji na naključju, zato je pomembno, da se igrate odgovorno in se zavedate tveganj. Srečno igranje!
A good Shopify store conversion rate is 3%. You can find your conversion rate on Google Analytics.
If you don’t have an Analytics account, you’ll need to create one and integrate it with your Shopify Plus Store. You’ll be able to view Analytics reports on your store after using the Google Analytics integration for a month.
If you are already using Google Analytics with your Shopify Plus Store, follow these steps to determine your conversion rate:
- From your Google Analytics dashboard, tap on Orders.
- Then, click on Conversion Summary. You’ll find your conversion rate here.
How to Improve Your Shopify Plus Store Conversion Rate
1. Increase Page Loading Speed
Online shopping appeals to customers because it lets them buy products quickly. So, if your pages take a long time to load, your visitors may leave the store without purchasing anything.
In addition, your store will have low Google rankings if your pages load slowly. This might prevent prospective customers from finding your store even when they search for its name.
On the other hand, increasing your page loading speed can do wonders for your conversion rate. Customers will come to your store because they can buy what they want in minutes.
Use Google PageSpeed Insights to discover how you can reduce your page loading time. This tool may suggest that you adopt minimalist designs on your pages. Take the suggestions on Google PageSpeed Insights, but don’t overdo it. No one will shop in an ugly store even if its pages load fast.
2. Optimize Your Store for Mobile Shopping
Most online shoppers buy on the move. As a result, they tend to use their phone more than other devices when purchasing online.
Unfortunately, not all elements on desktop sites are accessible on mobile phones. If your customer can’t find a feature on your site while using their phones, they might get frustrated and leave the site. If this occurs often, it will eventually decrease your conversion rate.
To check if your store is optimized for mobile usage, use your phone to access the site. Using this method, you’ll easily determine how to modify the store for mobile phones.
You can also conduct a Google Mobile-friendly Test to get ideas for optimizing your store for mobile shopping. To pass the mobile-friendly test, you must score at least 80%.
If your mobile-friendly score is below 80%, simplify the interface of your website.
3. Provide Better User Experience on Your Website
Having a good user experience can increase the sales in your store. If your store has a good interface and excellent design, shoppers will be tempted to view several pages. This might cause them to buy more products than they previously intended.
For instance, a page may suggest stiletto heels after your visitor buys a dinner dress. The shopper might want to visit the product page just to see what the shoes look like.
But no one would want to spend a long time on a poorly designed website, especially when the site is challenging to use. Research shows that about 50% of customers leave online stores with bad user experience.
If you don’t know how to improve the user experience on your store, hire Shopify agency to increase the whitespace or simplify the checkout process and many more.
4. Optimize Your ‘Above-the-Fold’ Section with Navigation Links
When shoppers land at your store, the first thing they see is the Above-the-Fold section. This is the part of your page visitors can see without scrolling.
Your ‘above-the-fold’ section should contain navigation links to the main pages on your website. Some of the links you can include are About us, Shop, and Contact Us.
Placing navigation links at the top of all your pages will prevent customers from being confused about where to go. They would quickly find your products, learn about you, or contact you if they face any issues while using your store.
5. Include Multiple Product Photos in Your Product Pages
Your customers can’t see your products before buying them. However, they need to see what it looks like to confirm its quality.
That said, you can’t just place one photo of the product, or else shoppers will doubt your credibility. You need to provide more pictures of the product to give them sufficient details about its appearance. Only then would they feel confident enough to place an order.
Take pictures of your products from different sides to get multiple photos of each item. Ensure that these photos are high-quality and about half the size of the actual products. Doing this will let your prospective customers see them clearly while shopping on phone or desktop.
6. Craft Compelling Copy in Your Product Descriptions
Your product descriptions shouldn’t just be a copy of the manufacturer’s summary. Instead, you should create a description that persuades them to buy the product.
You can craft a compelling product copy by showing them how a related problem affects their lives. Then, tell them how your product will solve that problem.
Ensure that you also include limited-time offers to encourage shoppers to buy the product as soon as possible. Please note that your limited-time offer doesn’t have to be a discount. You could offer free shipping if they buy the product within a specific time frame.
7. Crossell and Upsell in Popular Product Pages
Your shoppers spend more time on some product pages than others. Use heat maps and scroll maps to discover these pages.
Heat maps let you discover the areas in your pages where people spend more time. On the other hand, scroll maps show pages that most people scroll through.
After discovering the most popular product pages on your store, post related products on them to encourage your visitors to buy them.
8. Create Personalized Experiences for Shoppers
Today’s online shoppers have a lot of Shopify stores to choose from. As such, they only buy from stores that they connect with. To connect with your customer, you need to create shopping experiences that fit their needs.
Since different customers have various needs, you can’t connect with all of them. Instead, you’ll need to define your ideal type of customer and restructure your content to suit them.
Your ideal customer may be the most common type of visitors to your store or the kind of shopper you want to serve. If your store has been running for a while, you can use Google Analytics to find the kind of customers that frequent the website.
Once you’ve defined your ideal customer, you need to ask these questions:
- Where do they come from?
- How old are they?
- What do they do for a living?
- What do they do for fun?
Answering these questions will help you determine what products to sell and the type of content to create.
9. Write Engaging Content
One of the surest ways to drive sales to your store is blogging. Write blog posts to show your target customers how to solve their problems. Then, position your products as these solutions and link to them in the blog posts. You’ll also need to use Search Engine Optimization techniques in these blog posts to improve their rankings on Google.
When someone in your target audience searches for a way to solve their problem, Google will recommend your blog post to them. Such customers may decide to buy your product after reading your solution-oriented blogposts.
If you consistently offer relevant information in your blog post, shoppers will consider you the expert in your niche. As a result, they will always come to you whenever they need products that you offer. Some customers may even recommend you to their friends.
Blogging might not yield results immediately. However, if you keep creating helpful information in your blogs, you’ll build brand authority and become a household name in your niche.
10. Add Customer Reviews on Your Product Pages
Shoppers need proof that you deliver quality service. But they won’t believe you no matter how much you say it. Rather, they need to hear it from other shoppers who have bought your products in the past.
You can show your site visitors that you are credible by posting positive customer reviews in your store.
To get customer reviews for your products, ask your customers to write reviews after confirming their order delivery. Place these reviews at the bottom of relevant product pages.
11. Simplify Your Checkout Process
Once a shopper has decided to buy your product, they should be able to place the order without any issues. Make sure your checkout is as straightforward as possible.
After they’ve provided their contact and payment information, approve the order and let them go. Don’t ask them to create an account with your store.
To avoid payment hiccups, your checkout page should offer all major payment options: Paypal, Skrill, Payoneer, etc. This way, your customer can use another payment option if they can’t access their first choice.
12. Invest in Remarketing Ads
You can’t afford to ignore your existing customers while trying to optimize your conversion rate. If a shopper has once bought an item from your store, they are likely to buy again.
But you might need to remind your customers of the value your store offers to receive new orders from them. Use Google Ads to run remarketing ads with your customers’ contact information.
A few small changes to your Shopify Plus website can help your Shopify conversion rates rise. Start applying them to your Shopify Plus store today. Keep monitoring your Google Analytics reports to discover new ways to increase sales.