Shopify was founded in 2006 with a primary motive of subjugating the challenges businesses witness while selling products online. After eight successful years in the market, the eCommerce giant was proliferating to vital areas of retail including clothing, beauty, and home décor when the founders introduced Shopify Plus for upscale eCommerce solutions.

Shopify Plus made its way into the thriving online shopping realm in 2014 with Magento and other prominent CMSs budding out of the thin air with their competitively efficient versions. The platform managed to rake in the preference of major retail brands with top-notch user support and all-inclusive integration amenities.

Aside from technical facilitation, there is so much more that Shopify Plus can offer to fast-growing businesses. The following stats provide a vivid glimpse of how Shopify is revamping online shopping for good:

  • Shopify is the powerhouse that runs online stores of world-renowned brands such as Kylie CosmeticsPenguin Books, & Hyatt Hotels Corps.
  • More than 12000 eCommerce websites are built on Shopify Plus and some of these websites make their annual sales in billions.
  • Of all these Shopify Plus eCommerce websites, 71% of shopping stores have active Instagram pages whereas 69% of sites get their traffic from Facebook.
  • 56% of Shopify Plus eCommerce websites have their stores in the United States and 8.6% of websites have their brick-and-mortar stores in the UK.
  • Clothing, Beauty & Personal Care, and Interior & Home Décor are the most popular categories of eCommerce shopping websites on Shopify Plus.

What Does that Infer for New Shopping Websites?

Sales via Social Media Integration

Shopify Plus not only allows you to integrate a wide range of social media platforms with an eCommerce website, but it also enables businesses to make sales through various channels. It leverages the popularity of your brand to boost eCommerce profits.

Wide Scale of Global Audience

Shopify Plus has certainly everything an enterprise-level retail business can dream of to run an online shopping platform hassle-free. It makes your eCommerce site omnipresent with multi-currency configuration and steadfast marketing setup.

Irreplaceable Set of Integration Tools 

Shopify Plus has everything that you get in Shopify along with many exceptional tools and add-ons that set the course of an endeavouring eCommerce website. The platform provides you with many of its easy options in one place.

Let us take you to the next section of our post where we beacon you to the most prolific side of Shopify Plus and its benefits for eCommerce websites.

Top Benefits of Shopify Plus to Reconsider Your eCommerce Planning

  1. Cost Efficiency

Shopify has a diverse pricing plan ($29/m, $79/m, and $299/m) for small and medium-scale businesses whereas enterprise solutions of Shopify Plus cost $2000 a month. Even though it appears to make a drastic difference between the plans, Shopify Plus is reckoned as a more budget-efficient option.

With this collective pricing, Shopify Plus delivers an extensive array of configuration options and eliminates additional charges per transaction fee.

  1. Multi-Dimensional channel

Shopify is great for selling anything online, but Shopify Plus lets you develop an entire online marketplace with promising B2B capabilities. You can create two separate user interfaces for buyers and vendors, and manage your eCommerce storefront with a wholesale portal.

Shopify Plus eCommerce enterprise website solutions allow you to customize your store and set up two different pricing for B2B and B2C platforms.

  1. Methodical Checkout Customization

An online shopping store relies on the efficient functioning of a checkout system to turn website visits into successful sales. Shopify Plus eCommerce websites can be customized for a fuss-free checkout experience and enable buyers to explore the value-bound side of brands.

This bespoke arrangement becomes possible with Shopify liquid that alleviates the open-source compatibility of this CMS giant. You can also use Shopify Plus liquid to tailor other elements of your shopping website and make it more buyer-friendly.

  1. Free Global Expansion

Shopify Plus is the best enterprise solution for high-end eCommerce brands & thriving retail businesses across the globe. While other content management systems require stiff-necked changes for international expansion, Shopify Plus allows you to go places for free. With the cost-less setup of this gigantic platform, you can start eCommerce stores in innumerable regions of the world and accept payments in different currencies online.

Even though it is a possibility with the old version of Shopify as well, Shopify Plus allows eCommerce websites to begin expansion up to 9 different stores for free. It comes with other convenient options such as local shipping and content localization for an enhanced conversion rate.

  1. Point-Of-Sale Plan

With an in-built POS setup, Shopify empowers eCommerce websites with the ability to run a highly-profitable business from any part of the world. It doesn’t matter if you are selling the product online or at a local store, a POS system gathers all sale-related information & turns it into a set of insights you can use to boost user experience at the store checkout.

While the older version might cost you a fee for a POS plan, Shopify comes with a pro plan so you can save expenses on POS.

  1. Access to Enterprise Apps

This prominent benefit of Shopify Plus also unveils the budget-efficient facet of the world’s most distinguished eCommerce CMS. When you opt for Shopify Plus with its collective user plan, you get free access to many of its enterprise applications that are not available to the users of Shopify.

Launchpad is one such advantage that covers sales analysis, the release of the different product ranges, and content changes. Its script editor allows you to personalize an entire eCommerce store.

  1. Engagement with Sale & New Launch

Nothing can attract a buyer as effectively as a flash sale or a new product launch with pre-built hype in the market. Being the most pertinent choice for eCommerce enterprise brands, Shopify Plus provides a passage to customers’ interests via the option of enhanced audience engagement.

It has substantial scalability to channel a large amount of website traffic and bot protection for server adjustments. Nominal settings in your online store can attract more and more buyers without putting your website at the risk of downtime.

  1. Dedicated Account Manager

Shopify has come a long way in the domain of online shopping and not only as a CMS portal but also as a brand with unwavering merchant support. Uninterrupted customer support is the backbone of any small or large-scale brand, let alone the overall service experience.

If you use Shopify, you can get technical assistance from professionals via a chat system, call, or email. But Shopify Plus comes with the benefit of a dedicated account manager. Shopify Plus assigns a personalized agent with full-fledged technical expertise to merchants for operating their online stores without a single trace of hassle.


Shopify is a decent CMS alternative for small and medium-scale retail stores making their way into the cutting-edge world of online shopping. But a multi-faceted retail enterprise with a wide array of customers in numerous regions can leverage a great deal of advantages from Shopify Plus. A strategic migration from Shopify to Shopify Plus is a surging shift that can transform your circumscribed retail business into an elaborate online shopping brand delivering products worldwide.

Looking for a credible technology expert for Shopify Plus migration? NOIR & BLANCO (Shopify Plus Agency) is your most-trusted partner for enterprise eCommerce solutions with a comprehensive history of successful projects in luxury store setup and platform migration.